As NC Associates continues its impressive growth, it has now become an affiliate member of APSCo.

With a clear focus on providing a high quality, professional service to accountancy and finance companies and individuals, joining APSCo helps support our positioning as a ‘best practice provider’. NC Associates will be able to display the APSCo logo and be listed in its directory of professional staffing companies after completing a comprehensive audit process that helps demonstrate the quality standards we work to.
“This move to become an affiliate member of APSCo aligns with our ongoing drive to be seen as a trusted recruitment partner for the professional service businesses we work with. I’m pleased its yet another sign of how our business is being perceived externally and testament to the hard work and professional standards we all work to.”
Wayne Caunce, Managing Director, NC Associates
About APSCo
The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) was formed to give all firms involved in the recruitment of professional talent that have a commitment to excellence, the specialist support and distinctive voice they need to be successful. It gives candidates and employers a trusted badge of quality whilst providing member firms with an innovative range of services designed for them by recruitment experts. See more here: